I have had two doctors’ appointments since my last post, but not very much to report. I was very anxious for the first appointment (35 weeks) because of all of the "symptoms" I thought I was having. The contractions weren't a total waste - I had started to dilate, but only slightly. I was not quite 1 cm. The doctor wrote the rest of the symptoms off as normal for this late in the third trimester. My second appointment (36 weeks) didn't show much more progress....only that I had dilated to a full 1 cm. Again, this is all good news because we don't want him to arrive until his is fully cooked.....no matter how uncomfortable mom is : /. The good news is that...as my best friend so eloquently put it.....his bags are packed and he bought his ticket. It is only a matter of time now!
I realized that it has been awhile since I have posted a weekly survey, so I will include the 37 week update today too.
How far along? 37 weeks (FULL TERM)
Baby’s Size: 19 inches
Baby’s Weight: 6 1/3 pounds
Weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I had gained a grand totally of 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: Most of them are starting to be a little too tight :( And ones I thought would never fit are fitting like a charm
Sleep: No more sleeping! I am basically up every 90 minutes or so and it takes me forever to fall back to sleep. I guess this is my body's way of preparing me for the long nights ahead.
Symptoms: Heartburn, strong Braxton Hicks and frequent trips to the potty
Labor signs?: More contractions that are stronger and more intense but 15-20 minutes apart. The baby has dropped and I have dilated 1 cm
Movement?: All the time
Belly button in or out?: In! I think it might stay that way!
What I miss: A good nights sleep and a glass of wine
Food cravings/aversions: Sweets - Frosted Flakes and Froot Loops, candy, fruit
What I'm looking forward to: Getting this little guy out!! I can't wait to see his little face :)
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