Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am eatting my words....

I had my 37 week appointment this morning and was very anxious to be checked for progress.  I have had a gut feeling from the beginning that this baby would be here early....and now he is making me eat my words. 

I have not made any progress since my last appointment 8 days ago.  I am 1 cm dilated and 20% effaced.  This basically means......NOT MUCH HAPPENING.  I guess I should be happy that there is something happening, but I was definitely crossing my fingers for more.

I think I have made it pretty clear that I am OVER being pregnant, but I must admit that I am very happy that he is healthy and has not given us any scares as far as pre term delivery goes.  I am just so anxious to see his little face and get the dreaded suspense of not knowing when it is going to happen behind me. 

Overall this pregnancy has been pretty painless and I have actually enjoyed being pregnant.  It is truly magical to feel a tiny human inside you kicking and flipping around.  It has brought my husband and I much closer and shifted the way I view the world.  It is amazing how nine months of carrying a baby can change you so completely.  I have gone from a self centered 20 something to a full fledged mommy is such a short time. 

We will give him a couple more weeks to cook, but my doctor and I have mapped out a plan should he decide he likes where he is a little too much.  At my next appointment she will schedule an induction date for somewhere close to my due date and she will stripe my membranes at my 39 week appointment to try and get some contractions going.  I am not sure exactly what this entails so I will have to do some research.  It is encouraging to know that there is a plan in place and that he will actually be coming out soon.

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