Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester

So, while I am thrilled to be 2/3 of the way through this pregnancy, things are starting to take a turn for the worst.  My heartburn now laughs at the Zantac I take twice a day.  I never thought having heartburn could be so miserable.  I also am starting to feel like a marshmallow.  It gets harder and harder to move around every day.  No swelling yet, but I am sure it is coming soon.  I am also getting my first trimester fatigue back.  I am exhausted by 3pm and need a nap by the time I get home. 

Enough complaining....this is a happy time :)

Dominic is moving around like crazy these days....but I haven't felt hiccups yet.  I have read that hiccups are very common from this point forward.  I also read that, with substatial medical attention, he could live on his own now.  It makes me feel better to know that as each Friday passes he is getting more and more able to live outside the womb.  Hard to believe that I am far enough along for that to be true.

I go in for my RhoGAM shot on Monday and I am not looking forward to that.  For those of you that don't know, it is a shot that is required for women who have a negative blood type.  Without it, my body will build up antibodies against positive blood types that could be potentially harmful during future pregnancies.

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